Information and communication technology evaluation
Information and communication technology evaluation

information and communication technology evaluation information and communication technology evaluation

The findings of this chapter provide many practical implications for educators because they can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the course. The data were analyzed using preference disaggregation analysis, a method of multiple criteria analysis, based on the principles of ordinal regression. The 36-item scale includes measures for Good teaching, Clear Goals, Appropriate Workload, Appropriate Assessment, and Independence in Learning and development of Generic Skills. An adapted version of the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) was used in order to evaluate students’ satisfaction, based on their experience.

information and communication technology evaluation

Since 25% of the students can averagely use ICT tools, the researcher recommends that the Government should implement the Monitory and Evaluation of its huge investment in ICT in Education by making sure ICT Facilities are used for teaching and learning in schools.The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate students’ satisfaction attending an Information Communication Technology (ICT) course. A mean of 3.7 shows that 74% of the students agree that their ICT Instructors possesses the requisite professional skills and competencies to teach. Analysis of the research result using SPSS Version 20 shows that 4 (7%) of the students lack basic ICT skills, 13 (25%) of them are average in the use of ICT tools and 14 (27%) of them have above average ICT skills. It employed evaluative survey design using questionnaire as the instrument of data collection, designed and administered to all the 51 Part-Time final year students. This research work titled “Empirical Evaluation of Basic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills of Final Year Students of Federal College of Education (Technical), Omoku” used UNESCO ICT-Competency Framework for Teachers versas a conceptual framework to assess basic ICT skills and competency level of students.

Information and communication technology evaluation