In the 1970s and 1980s forms of user-based and cognitive approaches to knowledge organization came to the forefront as part of the overall development in library and information science and in the broader society. WordNet as an example of a system based on the cognitive paradigm

Reception and criticism of the cognitive view in KOġ0. Color classification as an example of a controversy over cognitivismĩ. The word association method as an example of a user-based methodologyĨ. The Book House System as an example of a system based on user studiesĦ. (This article is an HTML version of a published article from 2013, see colophon)ģ. User-based and cognitive approaches to knowledge organization Home about ISKO join ISKO Knowledge Organization journal ISKO events ISKO chapters ISKO people ISKO publications Encyclopedia KO literature KO institutions ⇗ KOS registry 🔒 members contact usĮdited by Birger Hjørland and Claudio Gnoli User-based and cognitive approaches to KO (IEKO) I S K O